This thread is your one stop shop for all things MIUI. For those who are new - MIUI is the rom developed by Xiaomi for their mobile devices. Its beautiful, lovely and colorful (&iOS like ). Developers mentioned below have worked hard to port them and every thanks, love and salute to them
Official Download
MIUI 5: (Android 4.4.4 - KitKat)
The below versions were developed by X_s
v 4.12.12
v 4.10.10
v 4.9.27
MIUI 6: (Android 4.4.4 - KitKat)
X_s (v 5.5.22) - Based on CM
TDA (v 5.7.31) - Based on Color OS
MIUI 7: (Android 4.4.4 - KitKat)
X_s - (v 6.6.16) - Based on CM
TDA - Based on Color OS
- Flash the downloaded ROM ins Twrp (Tuga, 2.8.60 or 3.0.x.x and above)
- Install this A-Gapps (Recommended) Or Google Installer v2
- Multirom Installation
► TIPS ◄
- To access developer options, tap on MIUI version (not on build number)
- To expand notifications in the notification drawer, pinch out on the notification
- Reboot to recovery: Settings --> About phone --> System Update --> Three dot menu
- The Google Installer helps in easy permission setting
- Also, go to battery optimization & optimize some apps that aren't optimized by default, in the stock android settings app
- Google play service FC fix --> Open command prompt and put "adb shell pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" (without the quotes) - Do this via USB when the phone is on and not on fastboot
- If you have sync issues,run THESE Commands
- If you're missing drivers, install Minimal ADB and OnePlus One drivers
- Google play Service Fix through phone : Refer this
- After flashing gapps, delete the setupwizard.apk, via file manager in TWRP (Mount system and then go to file manager/system/priv-app) Only for open gapps
- If you have lost recovery (which is impossible) use this Firmware Switcher and Read Instructions
- No need to flash any firmware zips or anything else. Just flash rom + gapps + supersu and xposed (optional)
- Flash normal SuperSU, go to the app's settings and give default access as GRANT, instead of PROMPT for hassle free root
- Partitions should be on ext4. If not, it will result in boot loop
- Custom Kernels (Only for CM based) : Private & Lightning
Links Updated (23 Jan 2017)
- 6.12.27 - Mega & GDrive (Stable)
- 6.10.24 - Mega & Gdrive
- Xposed Custom Build (Latest) & Installer
- Stock Android Settings - Gdrive
- Changelog (English)
Source - OnePlus
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