Android N Update - OnePlus One
OnePlus one
It's that time of the year again!
I promise I won't spend much time on this, because I still have a rom to support.
IF ANYONE WANTS TO TRY, lets keep communications here. I already know what to do and everything but I'm not sure if my tools will work with N
Status Report:
"fs_prepare_dir_strict"/"android_set_rt_ioprio" - Both in
Removing android_set_rt_ioprio fom 6 or so files, easily done. Have to wait until tomorrow for a build.
The Light of the Train is Nearing...
Building the new libs that do not require android_set_rt_ioprio
Testing them soon, don't have time tho
Location is blocking further progress
libc : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: cannot locate symbol "loc_identify_lean_target" referenced by "/system/bin/loc_launcher"...
looks like a easy fix but for now I removed it
Media crashes
this thing again
MediaProfiles: frameworks/av/media/libmedia/MediaProfiles.cpp:327 CHECK(quality != -1) failed.
I need to figure out how I fixed that last time
So I think I figured it out, but that means some other things have to break too once i fix this lib
Qualcomm is to blame here, adding more quality options.
I can build with the changes soon, and then fix which im certain will break next
Also, I'm getting quite close here, app process is the last to fail, meaning that after I fix these I should be able to see real apps on my phone
did not work.
i need to add _ZN7android11AudioRecord12getTimestampEPNS_17ExtendedTimestampE to libandroid
and i can use cm libmedia but then I have to fix that and ucnv_open_55
use the custom thing based off aosp but then i have to fix that and ucnv_open_55 and deal with the confusion of why other libs are not loading
what the heck is ucnv_open_55
decided on hex editing the N6 Lib
confirmed 55 is not there and timestamp thing is not there
56 and some other timestamp used
I have the data set points, I'll get the actual data from the other libs tomorrow
Didn't work, to complicated by hand
If anyone wants to even look at it, google elf shared object and objcopy
I plan to make my own lib using preview code and decompiled disassemble of N6
(not really now since I have a rom and life to maintain)
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